The Statements of Faith for Remnant Christian Church Blair

The Bible: The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, the only inerrant, revelation of God, the perfect rule of faith and deed, the standard by which all other possible revelation must be measured.   We believe in every word of Scripture as God Breathed, and Absolutely Mandatory for doctrine, reproof, and setting us upright. We will seek every truth within and seek to live it without compromise. (2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Peter 1:15-16, Luke 9:26, 1 Peter 2:8)

God: There is only one God, YHWY, and man shall worship only Him. God is a spirit, self-existent, and omnipresent, distinguishing Himself from all other gods and creation. God is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and love.

Trinity: There are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; He is the triune God; one in trinity, equal in power and glory. God created all things visible and invisible by the power of His word, and preserves and governs them, but God in His nature causes no sin. He does all things by His plan according to His own will and governs all things to fulfill His purpose, and for His Glory and to the praise of His Glory, which is good, wise, and holy.

Man: God created man after His own image in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness with dominion over every living thing. Therefore, all men came from one source.  That He might reveal himself to them, and they would choose to believe an:him, to have a reverent holy fear that leads to obedience, for they love him and know he loves them and that his commands are reliable, beneficial, and protective. 

Sin: Our first parents, being left with the freedom to choose between good and evil through temptation, transgressed the commandment of God, because they chose to not believe him, their transgression a result of not believing. All mankind, descending from Adam by ordinary generation, sinned in him and fell with him in that transgression. Man, having the ability to commit sin (except original sin) and a corrupted nature, intentionally committed sin; so, we are justly liable to God’s just displeasure and punishment in this world and that which is to come.

Jesus Christ: God sent His eternal, only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to the world to save man from his sin and the corruption and the punishment thereof in order to give eternal life because of His infinite love. In Jesus Christ, God became flesh, and through Him, and only through true faith in Him can man be saved. The eternal Son became true man and possessed two distinct natures in His person, eternally as true God, and true man. He, being conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the womb of the virgin Mary, of her substance, born of her, yet was without sin. He obeyed the law perfectly on behalf of sinners, revealing the true and exact likeness of the Father and then gave himself as a true and perfect sacrifice in order to satisfy divine justice. He did this for the purpose of the reconciliation of man to God. He was crucified on the cross, died, and buried. On the third day, He arose again from the dead. He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father, making intercession for His people. From there, He shall come for the resurrection of the dead, and to judge the world.

The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit eternally proceeding from God the Father and God the Son, works salvation in man, convicts’ man of his sin and misery, enlightens man’s heart to know Christ, renews man’s will, exhorts him, empowers him to accept Jesus Christ who offers man the Gospel in grace freely, and works in us to bear the fruit of God’s righteousness. The Spirit is given when one Repents and turns, dying to themselves/with Jesus, and are resurrected with Christ in new birth. The Spirit can also be received in greater measure as the recipient yearns and seeks Him, giving Him their heart of obedience.  The Holy Spirit also gives gifts to the Church, for the work of the Kingdom, for the building up of the Church, gifts are given as He sees fit.

Salvation: Before God created the world, He elected in His love His own people to make them holy and blameless. He predestined and adopted His children through Jesus Christ according to His pleasure and will, to the praise of the glory of His grace bestowed freely on the ones He loves. However, perfect salvation offered freely is so ordered to all mankind that they may repent from their unbelief, from being and/or creating other gods. Salvation comes when they Repent, turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, then make Jesus their Lord living their lives in keeping with repentance, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, rest upon Him and follow Him, obey the revealed will of God in faith, be humble and conduct themselves in holiness, to the extent that whoever believes in Christ and is obedient unto Him shall be saved. The benefits that are accompanied with justification, redemption (breaking the chains of our slavery to the prince of the power of the air, purchased as God’s bond-servants) adoption as God’s children, sanctification, and glorification are for the believers who are assured with God’s salvation and joy in this world.

The Sacraments: The sacraments instituted by Christ are baptism and Holy Communion; baptism of washing with water is to be administered in the name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the sign and seal of union with Christ, the promise of our regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit and God’s possession of us. Baptism shall be administered to those who make confession of faith in Christ. Holy Communion as partaking of the bread and the cup shall be served in remembrance of Christ’s death, and is the witness of the seal of the benefit derived from Christ’s death with whom the believers are in union. Holy Communion shall be observed by God’s people until the day of the Lord’s coming, and is a sign of a promise of more faithful service unto the Lord and a sign of communion with the Lord and His people, who believe in Him, and rest upon His atonement from which God’s benefit flows to us. The benefits of the sacraments are not found in the sacraments themselves or any virtue of him by whom the sacraments are being administered, but only in the blessing by Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit in those who by faith receive the sacraments.

The Church: The hands and feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, of which He is the head. We desire to restore the Church to what it was in its beginnings. Acts 2:42; “they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching, and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” All believers shall dutifully join in church membership with instruction/discipleship, have fellowship with one another, carefully observing each other that we might strengthen and encourage one another to stand faithfully, to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which we have been called, to continue in love and good works, pray always and in every way, assemble with believers to worship the Lord and listen attentively to the preaching of the word of God, render offerings as God provides us abundantly, share with one another the mind of Christ, share also the same mind with all other people, endeavor to promote the expansion of the Kingdom of Christ upon the whole world, and wait expectantly for the appearance of the Lord in His glory.